For a horse-human relationship based on reciprocal expression

Scientific References

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Francesco De Giorgio is member at the Ethics Committee of International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) and member in a number of other International Societies about Science and Society.

Francesco De Giorgio is an italian ethologist and applied behaviour researcher, currently living in the Netherlands and working both in Italy as in the Netherlands. He is Guest Lecturer of Equine Cognition in several universities and his special field of research is applied social learning in horses. He is a scientist but also a practical man, having a band of eight horses with his partner in life and work José Maria Schoorl.

Francesco De Giorgio studied Biological Science at Parma University. His thesis was a research about intraspecific perception and aggression in mus musculus, with prof. Danilo Mainardi and prof. Stefano Parmigiani as supervisors. After completing his studies in 1989, he collaborate with Siena University during a field research on fox, badger,porcupine and marten, with prof. Sandro Lovari as supervisor. Meanwhile he works as free professional in equine learning, supporting owners in their relationship with horses. From 2005 his scientific career continuous at the equine ethology group at Pisa University, in collaboration in relevant research in equine cognition. Leading to various published and presented studies. In March 2012 during 2nd IESM at Regensburg University, he presents his own appreciated field study about applied equine social learning.

“Francesco gave, I assure you, the best, not only in the study but also with the acquisition of practical knowledge, and during its cultural development was able to travel, explore and choose many excellent teachers, working with the head but also working with the heart and the hands. Becoming the complete scientist that demonstrates now, with his work, to be.” – Danilo Mainardi, Director of the International School of Ethology of Venice, in his introduction to the first book wrote by Francesco De Giorgio.


Baragli P., Mariti C., De Giorgio F., Petri L., Sighieri C., 2011.  Does attention make the difference? Horses’ response to human stimulus after 2 different training strategies. Journal of Veterinary Behavior

Baragli P., De Giorgio F., Mariti C., Martelli F., Sighieri C., 2007. Practical consideration on stimuli modulation using a “round pen technique” for horse training. VII Italian Veterinary Physiology Conference.

Baragli P., Mariti C., De Giorgio F., Basile C., Sighieri C., 2006. Assessment of the behaviour and haltering work time in young unhandled horses: influence of three different training methods. Proceedings of the 2nd International Equitation Science Symposium.

Baragli P., Mariti C., De Giorgio F., Sighieri C., 2008. Stimulus` perception in horses: Using Heart Rate (HR) as an appropriate indicator. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the International Society for Equitation Science.

De Giorgio F., Schoorl J., 2012. Why isolate during training? Social learning and social cognition applied as training approach for young horses (Equus caballus).  Proceedings International Equine Science Meeting

De Giorgio F., Schoorl J., Saviani G., Palandri L., Tonarelli E. 2012. Equine social cognition; differences in the social exploratory process comparing free-roaming and domestic horses. Proceedings Winter Meeting “Cognition in the Wild”, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

Mariti C. , Baragli P. , De Giorgio F., Gazzano A., Basile C., Sighieri C. 2007. Influence of training methods on horse behaviour. VII Italian Veterinary Physiology Conference.

Scientific and Divulgative Bibliography

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